Experimentation / CRO

Experimentation and Testing Programs acknowledge that the future is uncertain. These programs focus on getting better data to product and marketing teams to make better decisions.

Research & Strategy

We believe that research is an integral part of experimentation. Our research projects aim to identify optimization opportunities by uncovering what really matters to your website users and customers.

Data and Analytics

90% of the analytics setups we’ve seen are critically flawed. Our data analytics audit services give you the confidence to make better decisions with data you can trust.

Speero Experimentation Blueprints

Experimentation Operating System (XOS) Blueprints help visualize organizational processes in order to optimize how a business delivers an experimentation program.

They have two parts: 1. they are decision support tools that are built on top of and customized, and 2. are connected with some program or business metric such as research velocity, or decision quality, speed, etc.

We present them as downloadable 'tools' (Figma, Miro, Decks, Docs, Sheets) for you to take, customize, and optimize your program with.
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Filter blueprints by pillars of the XOS:

With User- or Session-based Test Analysis?

With User- or Session-based Test Analysis? blueprint, you can formalize the mental model you should have for using session or user counts when you’re designing your test, deciding on the metrics, or performing the post-test analysis.

Use Cases:

- When setting up a study design, metric selection.
- When setting up metrics in behavioral tools.

User- or Session-based Test Analysis? Blueprint

The metric you choose for doing a post test analysis matters a lot, while most experiments use session counts as the default metric for test analysis, this blueprint helps you clearly understand the different scenarios i
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Planning & Process

What are the differences between client and server side testing tools?

Server-side testing is often seen as the holy grail of experimentation. Something that will solve all our problems with data and cookies. This may be the case. But it also has downsides. Client vs Server-Side Testing Tools—Pros and Cons blueprint shows you all the pros and cons of client and server-side testing, so you can decide which is better for you in your current position.

Use Cases:

- Decide when to use client-side and when to use server-side testing.
- Understand the pros and cons of both and how they fit in your business.

Client-side vs Server-Side Testing Tools—Pros and Cons Blueprint

There are pros and cons to both methods of experimenting, client- and server-side. Ideally, you'd be able to experiment with both.
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Planning & Process

What are ways to engage the community and create a culture around experimentation?

What works to change people and ways of work, is different depending on the organization. You need to experiment with ways to engage and train our teams.

By creating a culture around experimentation, you can make it more accessible and enjoyable for people of all ages and backgrounds to get involved in the process of discovery and exploration. This blueprint helps with just that. You’ll also have ways to get buy-in.

Use Cases:

- Increase engagement and inputs into a testing program.
- Get feedback for testing efforts.
- Train and educate on testing principles.
- Get buy-in for your experimentation program.

How To Engage Community and Create a Culture Around Experimentation? Blueprint

What works to change people and ways or work, is different depending on the org. We need to experiment with ways to engage and train our teams.
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Assessing and Scaling the Flywheel

Should the A/B test be run?

A/B testing is expensive. In this checklist from Tal Raviv, Should I Run an A/B Test? Blueprint provides a set of questions to try to be objective in whether you should run the test or spend your calories elsewhere.

Use Cases:

- Decide if something is worth testing.
- Align and train your team to know when something is worth testing.

Should I Run an A/B Test? Blueprint

Should you actually run that A/B test? Tests are expensive, make sure you know.
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Planning & Process

What's in a Strategic Testing Roadmap? Blueprint

A strategic testing roadmap Blueprint is the culmination of research and the basis of a great OKR-style action plan for a testing program. The boxes are insights that come from triangulated research data (quantitative and qualitative). Some boxes are strategic, and some are tactical, but overall, it's a punch list. The 'Key Results' part of the OKR.

The objective part is framed as a powerful 'how might we...' question. And this question isn't determined ahead of research, it comes from the research itself, after coding among the insights and finding problem or opportunities patterns. The specific KPIs aren't important, but now you can make the goal SMART. You go through the punch list of insights and watch the needle move on those goal-associated KPIs.

Use Cases:

- Create a research-based strategic roadmap for a testing program.
- Communicate with your team on objectives and key results for a test program.
- Organize tactics and strategies against research and metrics.

What's in a strategic testing roadmap?

A strategic testing roadmap is the culmination of research and the basis of a great OKR-style action plan for a testing program.
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Assesment & Integration

What meetings should I have with my experimentation teams? And when? And how?

Cadence for Experimentation Meetings? blueprint helps you answer these questions. Experimentation is a process, so you need meetings to align, coordinate, and communicate. This clever little blueprint lets you pair all of this together by providing the questions you should ask during quarterly, monthly, and weekly meetings.

Use Cases:

- Create systems of feedback with your team
- Effect the culture of your program or org
- Train and educate your team
- Have accountability systems

Cadence for Experimentation Meetings? Blueprint

Experimentation is a process, so there needs to be periodic meetings for different reasons.
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Assessing and Scaling the Flywheel

What are the result vs action options for an AB test?

The result of a test can have little to do with what comes next. So it's important to separate the concepts of 'result' from 'action' so you can independently track how your program is doing related to 'win rate' vs 'action rate'. The goal is not to 'win' with tests, it's to make good decisions that effect change. Results Vs Actions Blueprint lets you report on the test you ran and their impact. 

It lets you develop tags in your tests as results or actions coming from that test. This way, you’ll be able to calculate your win rate and testing agility. 

The true power of this blueprint becomes apparent only down the line. Once you implement it, you can get the portfolio of your testing program. Over time, you’ll see the difference between substantial vs disruptive tests, their results, and actions made from results, all of which become powerful from a program perspective once you start to scale the number of tests.

Use Cases:

- Calculate 'win rates' vs 'action rates'.
- Look at the percentages of iterations vs what was shipped.
- Show how test results aren't connected to outcomes, changes, for a website for example.
- Measure the agility of your experimentation.

Results Vs Actions Blueprint

It's important to separate the concepts of 'result' from 'action' so you can independently track how your program is doing
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Decision & Execution

How To Balance Test Velocity vs Complexity?

Blueprint is probably one of Speero’s favorite frameworks to benchmark and understand the progress and state of our clients’ experimentation programs. This blueprint tells the story of two opposing forces—Better tests with more impact VS running more tests. This is a never ending battle. You can’t have the cake and eat it too. 

The key here is balance. You should be constantly moving toward the upper right side of the graph—run more tests.  But as you run more tests, you want to slowly build the capability to run more complex tests and to run the more efficiently every time you jump a certain ‘hurdle’ on this graph. This way, you’re building velocity AND complexity simultaneously.

Use Cases:

- Monitor the health and progress of a testing program over time.
- Use as a conversation and alignment tool for a team, so that they have a way to measure progress.

How To Balance Test Velocity vs Complexity? Blueprint

How do you balance test velocity and test quality? This relationship is at the core for how effective your testing program is running. It's the eternal dance of speed vs certainty.
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Test & Learn

Is the result you found in a test repeatable?

THIS is the gold standard of scientific research. 3 Methods for Confirming Test Effects Blueprint provides the most common methods of cross-validation. 

Note that holdouts can be difficult to maintain, results also have to be accurate and there can be reliability issues there. It also sacrifices the solution benefit while running. On the other hand, continuous holdouts can lose attribution of any false positives, but they are easier to maintain.

The first alternative is flip tests, where you implement the winner and then rerun the test by removing the winner. Flip tests are probably the easiest to implement and most common to use, especially on a test-by-test basis. But, they got a burning question inside. What if it loses? 

Going backward can sometimes erode trust in your program. For example, when it gets flat, loses, or gets a different type of result. But this is a part of flip tests. If you’ve got a good program and experimentation culture to handle that, you’ll be fine.

The last solution is time series and moving averages. The point of time series and moving averages is that you implement a test and see what happens over time. But you gotta be careful. There are lots of confounding variables here. You can try using the GA effect tool that allows you to do this more academically

Use Cases:

- Report on the ROI of a test initiative or group of tests.
- Be extra confident in your test result.

3 Methods for Confirming Test Effects Blueprint

Is the result you found in a test repeatable. THIS is the gold standard of scientific research.
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Decision & Execution

Problem-Statement Focused Hypothesis

Problem-Statement Focused Hypothesis Blueprint helps you ground experiment ideas (or solutions) in research, utilizing 'problem statements' as the bridge. This enables you to ensure your tests focus on problem statements, which are grounded in research and allow for alternate 'solutions' to be proposed as long as they are both grounded in the same hypothesis (and problem statement).

Let’s say you have a concrete, tactical test idea. With this framework, you can put this idea into the solution part, and then find your hypo and if statement (from that idea). What do you believe will happen if you implement your idea? Now, it’s time to take a step back. What is your problem statement? Where is the evidence that your test idea is really a problem? Most of the time, you can back this in research.

You can also link these problem statements to the business. Use them as an opportunity to understand what your business is trying to prioritize. This way, when you present in front of the leadership, you all can collectively agree on which three problems should be addressed first, instead of having a bunch of solutions backed by hypotheses.

Use Cases:

- Prioritize your tests based on business needs.

- Connect your solutions to business problems.

- Get buy-in for experimentation.

- Focus on the most important user problems.

Problem-Statement Focused Hypothesis

This is a framework to help ground experiment ideas (or solutions) in research, utilizing 'problem statements' as the bridge.
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Planning & Process

Research XL

RXL Blueprint is a research method for identifying the key barriers to conversion and key customer problems within UX. It is a really strong foundation for any experimentation program. Whether you’ve been testing for years or you’ve never done a test before, or for anyone in between, RXL provides us with a deep understanding of what really matters to your customers and onsite users. This way, you can design tests with impact.

Perhaps you’re struggling with testing lots of random things or your stakeholders are asking you to test a lot of random things. ResearchXL helps you move away from this random approach and base your testing decisions on user data. Now, you have an alternative to stakeholders asking about key customer problems or doing random tests. Ultimately, with RXL you will understand your customers a lot better, with clear benefits for your company.

Use Cases

- Plan UX research.
- Structure your testing and back it in research.
- Identify and classify the fears, frustrations, and motivations your users experience.

RXL Blueprint

Research XL Our quantitative and qualitative conversion research methods identify the fears, frustrations, and motivations people experience throughout your website journey.
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Assesment & Integration

Multi Armed Vs A/B Testing

Multi-Armed VS A/B Testing Blueprint is a guiding tool on when to run a multi-armed or a true A/B test. A/B testing allows for a more statistically controlled learning environment, while MAB is more focused on generating a win as quickly as possible (at the sacrifice of understanding 'why'). MABs are good for holiday, short-term, and seasonality testing, while the A/B test provides a deeper insight into what went good or bad in your tests.

Use Cases:

- Decide if and when to use MAB or AB.

Multi-Armed VS A/B Testing Blueprint

This framework is a guiding tool on when to run a multi-armed bandit vs. running a true A/B test.
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Planning & Process

A/B Testing Workflow Map

This is an example of a workflow map for an A/B test. The different steps right before a test goes live, during the test, and afterward. Each step can be customized based on your organization's structure and needs and can be more granular or less granular.

Use Cases

• Create a workflow map that lays out the rules and steps for setting up a test, the steps while the test is live and stopping decisions, post-test analysis flows.

• This document would be used across the teams that run A/B tests across your company, or if you are an agency you want to map one out for each client individually.

• This would list out steps, tasks, and decisions. For example, if something is not working, what is the fallback.

A/B Testing Workflow Map

This is an example of a workflow map for an A/B test. The different steps right before a test goes live, during the test, and afterward.
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Test & Learn

Sample Ratio Mismatch (SRM)

Sample Ratio Mismatch Alert! What do I do?You have set the ratio for your test at 50/50 and your testing tool has reported that you have a 70/30 traffic split in your experiment. This can not be trusted and needs to be rectified if this experiment's data is to be analyzed. There are several ways that your experiment can have a sample size mismatch, but the most common will be technical issues with the segmentation itself. Use this framework as a guideline to determine what is the best next step once you have received a sample ratio mismatch error:

Use Cases

You have received a Sample Ratio Mismatch (SRM) error from your testing tool or analytics team.

Sample Ratio Mismatch

Sample Ratio Mismatch: What does it mean and what to do?
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Test & Learn

The CRO Process

The CRO Process blueprint is your strategic approach for identifying and interpreting relevant data to find possible points of friction in your sales funnel. And ultimately, increase the conversion rate. This blueprint shows you all the parts your CRO process should have, including which role should be responsible for which part of the process.

Use Cases

- Structure your CRO Process.
- Improve conversion rate.
- Help everyone understand their place.
- Increase website ROI.

The CRO Process Blueprint

CRO Process + Client input or approval
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Planning & Process

At what point do you move on and start testing something new?

When does it make sense to continue iterating because there’s still some juice left to squeeze? The Iterate Vs Move framework deals with this.

This is a great visualization of how iterations are important to experimentation, but can sometimes be deprioritized if other initiatives take precedence. Remember, testing and iterations are costly. Use this blueprint as a starting point in decision making whether to iterate vs. move on to the next test, and build this into your own prioritization framework.

Use Cases:

- Determine before the test if the iteration costs too much.

- Decide between iterating and moving to a new hypo.

Iterate Vs Move On Blueprint

This is visualization of things to include as part of yoru overall test prioritization framework.
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Planning & Process